
Gelatin dessert on hair?! Achieve the salon-treatment effect at home!

Homemade body, face and hair treatments are trending. The simplest food ingredients that you surely have at home prove to give the best results. Potato starch on hair? Mayo hair mask? Hair oil treatment? Yes, please! The latest hair-care hit is… gelatin dessert! Once you apply it to the hair, it gives you the salon-treatment smoothness. See how to make the gelatin hair mask at home!

What makes gelatin dessert the perfect hair conditioner?

Using gelatin dessert to enhance the hair is a great home remedy for limp-looking, lifeless hair. It perfectly moisturizes, smoothes the tresses plus it delivers a big dose of proteins. It’s all thanks to sugar and gelatin.

Gelatin dessert contains sugar (humectant) and gelatin (high-molecular-weight protein). Humectants greatly moisturize the hair while proteins made up of large molecules form a protective coating on its surface, leave the tresses smooth and glossy, and make combing easier. This treatment is made for low and medium porosity hair.

How to make your jelly hair mask? Here’s a simple recipe!

Pour 4 spoons of boiling water over 2 spoons of powdered gelatin dessert and mix them well.

Once the mixture cools down and starts turning into gel, you can use it (if the product hardens, simply add some boiling water and mix well).

How to do the hair-smoothing gelatin treatment? Follow these easy step-by-step instructions.

  1. Wash your hair and scalp thoroughly to wash the dirt and product buildup out.
  2. Distribute the mask (gelatin must be liquid, not solid) all over the tresses, put on a shower cap and a towel.
  3. Let the gelatin penetrate the hair. It takes around 15 minutes.
  4. Wash the mask out of the hair, squeeze out the excess water and apply a conditioner.
  5. Rinse it after a few minutes, blow-dry the hair and style it as usual.


You can mix the resulting gelatin dessert (liquid, not solid!) with a spoon of your favorite hair mask and a small amount of a hair oil you like. Mix the components well and apply the blend to damp tresses. Rinse it after 15 minutes.

Gelatin hair treatment. What effect does it have?

If you use the mask on a regular basis (once or twice a week), your hair becomes:

moisturized, super-smooth and glossy (as if you had a keratin smoothing treatment done at the salon), voluminous, frizz-free, tangle-free and manageable.

At-home hair-smoothing treatment. What to use: plain gelatin or gelatin dessert?

Lots of girls use plain gelatin. Is this the right choice? Firstly, a gelatin dessert smells way better so the treatment is simply nicer. Secondly, this product is richer in hair-conditioning ingredients e.g. moisturizing sugar. Also, you shouldn’t be worried that it will change your hair color: it contains very mild coloring agents so feel free to use even red or green jelly no matter your hair color.