
Hair in bad shape? Find out what makes it look unflattering

Dry and dull hair, oily and covered by dandruff, or perhaps hair that is brittle and falls out uncontrollably? This is not how we want to visualize our strands like. Therefore, if you noticed the tresses getting less and less flattering, if you see your hair is getting worryingly weaker or if you observed something troubling – start acting now! For a kick-off, find out what your hair may dislike and exclude it straight away to stop the damage from progression. Below you will find 7 deadly sins of hair care.

What causes hair damage? How to stop hair from losing its health?

1. Ill-matched hair care products

There are some hair concerns that a regular commercial and wonderful-smelling shampoo from a fancy drugstore won’t be able to handle. Therefore, if you are bugged with a persistent hair problem, better go to a pharmacy. Despite being more expensive (at least, in most cases), the advanced and professional products targeting particular hair problems should help you once and for all. Furthermore, if you suffer from dandruff or if your scalp feels constantly/easily irritated, try visiting a trichologist. This doctor will examine the hair and follicles to give you professional advice on how you should treat the tresses. There are also cases that replacing a regular shampoo with some new one does the trick. Consider using an all-natural shampoo that is free from parabens and hazardous compounds such as SLS and SLES. The same applies to conditioners and hair masks.

2. Bad hair washing technique

Even if you manage to find the cosmetic that satisfies most of your hair needs, it can be ineffective unless you use it correctly. Have you ever wondered what the proper way to wash the hair is? This procedure should begin with delicate massage – try to massage the shampoo into your scalp. Pick up a small dollop of a shampoo, pour it on the palm, thin it down with water and then spread it all over the scalp. What about the hair? Treat it with the lather that will appear during the scalp massage. When it comes to rinsing, use only lukewarm water and definitely steer clear of hot and cold water. Now it’s time for a hair conditioner. Apply it only to the lower parts of the hair, mainly to the hair ends. You will irritate scalp and weigh your hair down if you apply the conditioner to the scalp or higher than the ear-level.

3. Knotty hair with dry ends

In other words – tangles. In order to avoid them, brush the hair prior to washing. While washing, neither twist nor scrunch the hair. However, if you keep pressing and squeezing the strands while washing, you can expect them to get worse on their entire length as you damage it; consequently, the hair will tangle badly and break easily. Moreover, once you finish shampooing, you should also avoid brushing or rubbing wet hair with a towel. You can run a comb through the tresses when they are either slightly damp or completely dry. Still, mind one rule: always start from the hair ends first, then you can gradually place the comb higher. In this way you will brush the hair without much tugging.

4. Too frequent hair washing

People shampooing their hair on a daily basis deprive it from its natural protective lipid coat. As a consequence, the scalp starts secreting more sebum to make up for the loss, which obviously leads to oily hair. This is how the scalp protects itself and the hair from dehydration and damage. Naturally, hair washing is strictly connected with blow-drying and hot styling, which is yet another factor that has a negative impact on the locks.

5. Improper blow drying technique

Since we have just mentioned blow drying, you should know that this is one of the most common reasons for the strand damage. Therefore, if you have to use a hair dryer, try not to set its temperature high. Instead, dry the strands using medium or cold airstream. Why is it so important? Hot air generated by this styling tool rises the hair cuticles which opens the way for moisture and nutrients and escape your tresses. And once dry, hair breaks and becomes miserable.

6. Bad eating habits

Developing bad eating habits fast-tracks your way to nutrient shortages and vitamin inefficiency which inevitably leads to weak hair, brittle nails and sallow skin. Fine, weak and dull hair needs a load of vitamins A and D. Such strands will also use some B-group vitamins, biotin, iron and zinc. Obviously, if you have problems with finding the right food products that would help you rise the nutrient levels in your body, use some food supplements.

7. Other hair problems that cosmetics can’t solve

If you are absolutely certain that you don’t make any hair care mistakes, yet the strands look bad, seek professional advice – this can be a hairdresser or the above-mentioned trichologist. It’s possible that your body is trying to inform you that there is something bad happening and it wants you to react. Asking a professional for help may also help you find out whether you are making some not-so-obvious mistakes in your daily hair care routine.